亚瑟与苏珊因门当户对而订婚,婚前亚瑟因自觉不合而毁约,并娶琳达为妻,然而苏珊始终对亚瑟念念不忘,苏珊之父心生一计,以高价收购亚瑟家族产业,逼亚瑟四处流浪,并与琳达离婚娶苏珊,亚瑟因与琳达感情深厚不愿分手,而宁可过贫困的生活。亚瑟遇上苏珊父亲的仇人,合力收集证据欲加报复,但因法律时效已过,只好作罢。此时苏珊已明白亚瑟真正爱还是琳达而放弃,并劝其父归还亚瑟的财产,此时琳达已怀身孕,重返家园,无比温馨……In this sequel to the 1981 hit movie, Arthur manages to lose his entire $750 million fortune. Will the former millionaire playboy be able to survive as a broke, unemployable alcoholic? To add to Arthur's problems, wife Linda's biological clock is ticking louder than ever, and she's pressuring him to start taking responsibility for himself.