当一名律师失去了阻止伐木公司砍伐美洲原住民土地的上诉时,一名印第安人激进分子将他和被绑架的伐木工厂经理拖进了森林。律师的空谈是关于公司的贪婪应该受到怎样的惩罚,这是亚瑟的残酷行为,他以寓言的方式折磨经理,模仿伐木者对森林的所作所为。When a lawyer loses an appeal to stop a logging company from clear-cutting Native American land, Arthur, an Indian militant drags him and the kidnapped logging mill manager into the forest. The lawyer's empty talk about how the company's greed should be punished is put into brutal action by Arthur, who tortures the manager in allegorical ways mimicking what loggers do to the forest.