已人过中年的少年鉴别所法务技官夏目信人(椎名桔平 饰),在人生的平稳期突然转职,成为东池袋警署刑事课强行犯系的一名刑警。此举的肇因,或可追溯到十年之前降临在夏目一家的灾难之上。他和年龄相仿的福森诚一(松重丰 饰)、年龄比自己还小的前辈安达凉子(小野ゆり子 饰)统归系长菊池大雅(要润 饰)调派。东池袋区域娱乐事业兴盛,此地更成为黑白两道交汇、各种隐秘罪恶滋生的温床。弹丸之地,凶杀、抢劫、绑架等恶性事件接连发生,夏目一次次和同侪奔赴第一现场,追查真相的同时与躲在暗处的对手展开连番较量,而其命运也受到一连串事件的左右…… 本片根据药丸岳的原作小说改编。Based on the same-titled novel, Natsume Nobuhito is an ex-officer at the juvenile detention center, who is newly transferred to the East Ikebukuro Police department. From a job that requires him to have faith in humanity, to a job that sees everyone as a suspect, Natsume patiently listens to all the people involved, diligently checking through their stories and from there dig up the truth to resolve the cases.