《一夜大肚》中的夫妻皮特(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)与黛比(莱斯利·曼恩 Leslie Mann 饰)如今年过四十,虽然黛比已经拥有一个不错的精品店,皮特也开了自己的唱片公司,然而生活的暗礁还是渐渐围困了这个家庭:不仅皮特开始需要借助“伟哥”,两人的父母也年岁渐衰,需要供养,皮特的唱片店近来也在艰难维系,两个还在上学的女儿更是每天把家里弄得鸡飞狗跳。夫妻二人深感走入了爱情坟墓的同时,连生活的激情与乐趣也将要被消磨殆尽。黛比在与朋友谈心之后,终于决定要挽救自己的婚姻,而此时,她已经怀上了皮特的第三个孩子…… 本片为导演在2007年的喜剧电影《一夜大肚》的一个独立续集。Pete (Paul Rudd) and Debbie (Leslie Mann) are turning 40. But instead of celebrating, they're mired in a mid-life crisis with unruly kids, debt and unhappiness mounding. Pete's record label is failing and Debbie is unable to come to terms with her aging body. As Pete's 40th birthday party arrives, Pete and Debbie are going to have to rely on family, friends, employees, fitness trainers, aging rockers and ultimately each other to come to terms with life at age 40.