NASA火星探路者勇气号(Spirit)以及机遇号(Opportunity)于2004年成功登陆火星;计划中三个月至半年的寻觅水源之旅,最后演变为长达五年的科学长征。火星探索车跋山涉“水”,跨越千山万岭,深入火山口底部;与沙尘暴抗争,与技术问题作战。没人能想到,这两名勇士能完成这前无古人的探索之旅。《火星五年》跟随它们的脚步,漫游火星,记录下了人类历史上最神奇的一段科学探险。This program describes the travels, adventures, challenges and discoveries of Spirit and Opportunity as they explore the surface of Mars. Along the way they climb hills, crawl into craters, get stuck in the sand, break down, make some some amazing discoveries and give their caretakers back home some exciting days and sleepless nights. And their story continues.