丹尼斯·蒂伯勒百·巴格利是一个年轻有为的广告设计师,却某次因一种新款去痘霜而无法获取制作广告的灵感。他过度的忧虑导致近乎疯狂,妻子朋友等相当为他担心。随后,他的脖子上长出了一个巨大且奇怪的疖子,当那个怪疖子开始长出眼睛和嘴巴并会说话时,巴格利开始思考他是否精神失常…… 本片作为最有趣的另类英国喜剧之一,在英国影史占有重要地位。Dennis Dimbleby Bagley is a brilliant young advertising executive who can't come up with a slogan to sell a revolutionary new pimple cream. His obsessive worrying affects not only his relationship with his wife, his friends and his boss, but also his own body - graphically demonstrated when he grows a large stress-related boil on his shoulder. But when the boil grows eyes and a mouth and starts talking, Bagley really begins to think he's lost his mind. But has he?