两年前,加贺恭一郎(阿部寛 饰)尚为练马警署的一名刑警。适值此时,他的父亲(山崎努 饰)病重住院,加贺却从未探望,父子间的隔膜难以打破。这一日,加贺的辖区内发生一起命案。年仅6岁的女孩春田井优菜被人杀害,凶手是附近居民区的一名初中生,这个名叫直巳(泉澤祐希 饰)的男孩在学校备受欺负,在家中则将自己封闭起来。为了掩盖儿子的罪行,直巳的父母前原昭夫(杉本哲太 饰)和八重子(西田尚美 饰)费尽心思搬运尸体,伪造现场。虽则如此,但是目光如炬的加贺刑警依然从中看出了端倪…… 本片根据东野圭吾的同名原著改编,系同名电视剧的SP。A 7 years girl is found dead in the local park's toilet. Kaga Kyouichiro, who was asked to find the girl, and his cousin Matsumiya Shuhei who's assigned to investigate the murder case, have to work together to crack the case. Their evidence lead them to Maehara's, a family with parents, a son and a senile grandmother.