对于阿布(纳丁·沙瓦哈 Nadim Sawalha 饰)来说,外面的世界充满了奇迹和惊喜,可是苦于被工作所困,阿布至今未曾踏出过家乡约旦一步。一群穷小子的到来改变了阿布的生活,他们坚信在机场工作的阿布是一名英勇的飞行员,闲暇时光里,这群孩子总是缠着阿布,希望阿布能够给他们讲讲外面的世界究竟是什么样子。 为了不让孩子们失望,阿布靠着从书本里看来的知识和想象编造了一个又一个美好的童话,孩子们听得如痴如醉,他也乐在其中。在这群孩子里,穆(胡珊·艾尔苏 Hussine Al-Souse 饰)最为特殊,不幸的童年生活让他过早的知道了世界的险恶,他不仅不相信阿布的故事,还决心将它们一一拆穿。Abu Raed is an old airport janitor who has always yearned of seeing the world but has never been able to afford to travel. One day a group of children in his poor neighborhood assume he is a pilot and beg him to share stories of the world outside of Amman, Jordan. Through imaginary tales a friendship forms and he finds the grim realities of the children's home life. He takes it upon himself to make a difference.