法国某地一个中产阶级的普通家庭,大学教授的爸爸、家庭主妇的妈妈、还在念书的小儿子和大女儿。但就是在这样一个普通的家庭之中,看似温馨和谐,每个人却日复一日的在加重其内心的苦闷与煎熬。妈妈对丈夫冷淡异常,与女儿的母子关系点到即止,却露骨地表现出对儿子强烈的爱以及占有欲。爱恨本在一念间,爱得愈烈,成恨自然深。整部影片沉闷压抑,正是浓浓的法式剧情片味道,淡如生活,却道不是平常。Julien and his mum care for each other very much. But Julien has committed a deadly sin: he is growing into a teenager! Worse, he has found himself a girlfriend of his age. "Mummy" is not going to tolerate such an ignominy. Julien is HER baby and will remain HERS for ever, encouraged in her "crusade" by her bovine husband and barely thwarted by the more courageous interventions of Suzanne, Julien's sympathetic big sister.