二战之后,在日本一个偏僻的城镇,封建意识仍很浓厚,青年男女的正常交往会被认为是可耻的行为。女高中生寺泽新子(杉叶子 饰)曾因与男生交往而被迫转学此地,在此邂逅了开朗的高年级生六助(池部良 饰)。她和六助的相处被同班同学松山浅子(山本和子 饰)等人得知,浅子写出伪造情书,试探新子。新子将伪情书交给毕业于东京女子大学的年轻女老师岛崎雪子(原节子 饰),岛崎认为这是一起卑鄙的恶作剧,而浅子等人却以严肃校风为由据理力争,甚至鼓动同学进行抗议。 岛崎和校医务所的沼田医生(龙崎一郎 饰)深感校内封建和伪民主意识严重,决心无论如何要扭转校风。而另一方也发动了家长会予以抗争…… 改编自石坂洋次郎1949年6月~10月在《朝日新闻》连载的同名小说,曾先后数次被搬上银幕。When a post-war high school girl is seen with an older boy many find the nontraditional notion unacceptable and try to trick the girl and also assail her right to continue the relationship. Cue her teacher who not only supports the girl, but encourages her pupils to do as they wish and ignore what society indoctrinates. Not everyone agrees with the teacher and her modern ideas however.