45亿年,是一个怎样漫长的光景。浩瀚的宇宙,又是怎样辽阔的疆域。在漫无边际的天际,有如微尘一般的地球,却孕育着数以万计且多姿多彩的生命。追溯过往,发现生命繁荣的起点竟如此苛刻,一切万年不遇,一切宛如神迹。 BBC走遍地球每一个角落,向我们揭示了生命之初的奥秘。他们告诉世人,那场为我们所恐惧的,以及常为我们所忽视的,竟然曾起着如此至关重要的作用。火山、大气层、冰川和海洋,它们是人类乃至一切有生的源头。《地球的力量》制作组将通过5集纪录片,为我们再现那颗蓝色的星球,从无到有、从简到繁最为壮丽的时刻……In each episode, geologist Dr. Iain Stewart explains the effects and importance of a specific force of nature, such as wind or volcanism. He also examines the various ways in which it shapes planet earth itself and influences life on it, often in conjunction with other natural forces, and sometimes with lifeforms, as in the 'apocalyptically' grave case of global warming.