初秋时节,荒凉俄罗斯的农村。当地猎人Michail在捕猎时遇到了被三人追杀的安德烈。善良Michail帮助安德烈一起逃跑,两个素不相识的男人一同踏上了漫长而危险的旅程,因为对思想,道德和对生活的意见不同,彼此不断发生争吵。但这一切终将尘埃落定,而他们也从这些经历中找寻到了自我。Early autumn, godforsaken Russian countryside. A local hunter Michail witnesses a skirmish in the middle of the forest - three men want to kill the forth, Andrey. Kind-hearted Michail helps Andrey escape and together they run from the villains who chase them. Thus, two totally different men start a long and dangerous journey together, constantly arguing with each other regarding their ideology, morals and opinions about life. But life will put everything on its place and make the men understand who they really are.