爱丽丝,是一个单身母亲,也是一家新品种植物开发公司的高级植物培育员,工作非常勤奋。她设计了一种非常特别的暗红色花朵,不仅外观让人注目,其健康价值更是出众:如果气温合适,营养足够,人们能时常跟它说话,这棵植物就可以让它的所有者开心起来。爱丽丝违反了公司规定,带了一株回家送给自己的青少年儿子,乔。他们给这朵花起名“小小乔”。但随着花朵生长,爱丽丝越来越怀疑“小小乔”也许并不像它的名字那么无邪。Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. She has engineered a very special crimson flower, remarkable not only for its beauty but also for its therapeutic value: if kept at the ideal temperature, fed properly and spoken to regularly, this plant makes its owner happy. Against company policy, Alice takes one home as a gift for her teenage son, Joe. They christen it 'Little Joe' but as it grows, so too does Alice's suspicion that her new creations may not be as harmless as their nickname suggests.