在邪恶的“waxwork”蜡像馆被火烧毁后,噩梦并没有结束,蜡像的残余黑暗力量仍在四处作孽,萨拉的父亲也因此丧命,自己则成为杀人嫌犯。为了彻底平息这场灾难,萨拉与马克决定独闯龙潭,再回蜡像馆找出这场事件的真凶,没想到迎接他们的依然是那些充满怪物、变态和丧尸的世界……Mark and Sarah survive to the fire in the wax museum, but Sarah is followed by a severed hand that kills her father. Sarah becomes the prime suspect and goes to trial. Mark and Sarah search evidence to prove her innocence and they go to Sir Wilfred's house. They find a footage prepared by Sir Wilfred with a puzzle based of the Alice and the Looking Glass. They solve the puzzle and find a compass that opens portals through time. They travel to the most different places in time seeking something to help Sarah in her trial in a dangerous journey.