奥斯卡奖®获得者纪录片导演Alex Gibney(出租车黑暗面)探讨了带电的恋童癖天主教堂,后跟踪从第一个已知的抗议美国神职人员性虐待和梵蒂冈。Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney exposes the abuse of power in the Catholic Church and a cover-up that winds its way from the row houses of Milwaukee Wisconsin, through the bare ruined choirs of Ireland's churches all the way to the highest office of the Vatican. By investigating the secret crimes of a charismatic priest who abused over 200 deaf children in a school under his control - the film shows the face of evil that lurks behind the smiles and denials of authority figures and institutions who believe that because they stand for good they can do no wrong.