泰勒和女友莉莎预谋抢劫富爸爸的6.8万美金,计划没人受伤,然后偷偷溜走。但是事情开始失控,随着事态发展,一个女人更狠过另一个女人,而泰勒也违背不杀人的初衷。一场鲜血的盛宴即将开始……It started with a couple dead bodies and $68,000 in stolen cash. Chip Taylor's girlfriend Liza had the perfect plan to rip off her rich sugar daddy. It should have been an easy in and out kind of deal. Nobody would get hurt and they would come out of it with enough loot to solve their problems. But things started going wrong as soon as they were inside the rich man's house, and for Chip it was only the beginning of the longest, most terrifying ride of his life.