Urban Struggle: The Battle of the Cuckoo's Nest(2008)


主演:Pat Brown Jack Grisham Keith Morris Jerry Roach 亨利·罗林斯 Casey Royer 

导演:Paul Young / 

Urban Struggle: The Battle of the Cuckoo's Nest:在线播放

Urban Struggle: The Battle of the Cuckoo's Nest:最新迅雷BT资源

Urban Struggle: The Battle of the Cuckoo's Nest:最新字幕下载

Urban Struggle: The Battle of the Cuckoo's Nest:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Locals formed vigilante groups to fight it, Police used legal force to repress it, City officials wanted to ban it entirely. This never before released feature length documentary was filmed in the early 80's and exposes the punk rock scene that was going on at the infamous Cuckoo's Nest club owned by Jerry Roach.
Locals formed vigilante groups to fight it, Police used legal force to repress it, City officials wanted to ban it entirely. This never before released feature length documentary was filmed in the early 80's and exposes the punk rock scene that was going on at the infamous Cuckoo's Nest club owned by Jerry Roach.
