对于高中生诺瓦(艾米·缇加登 Aimee Teegarden 饰)来说,目前人生中最重要的事情就是即将到来的班级舞会,在舞会上成为光彩夺目的舞会王后几乎是所有女孩共同的梦想。对于杰西(托马斯·麦克唐纳 Thomas McDonell 饰)的邀请,诺瓦不知答应与否,他既不是最差的那个,却也不是最好的那个。 对于梅(Yin Chang 饰)和泰勒(德沃恩·尼克松 DeVaughn Nixon 饰)来说,空气中同样充满了紧张的气氛,一个小小的秘密的存在点缀了他们平静的生活。一个夜晚,即将改变众多年轻人的命运,有人快乐,有人悲伤,有人如获至宝,有人形单影只,唯一不变的,是属于他们的坚固的友谊,和青涩的爱情。Prom and high school graduation are approaching for a group of seniors, but when the prom decorations are destroyed in an act of school vandalism, the class president is left scrambling. With everybody else pre-occupied with finding dates and dresses, Nova is left to rely on the principal forcing the school rebel to help her out. But when he's there for her when she needs it, she starts looking at him in a different light.