尼娜(伊丽莎·库斯伯特 Elisha Cuthbert饰)青春貌美,是学校的啦啦队队长。如此明媚的女生,却有着不为人知的隐秘——她与父亲之间有着不道德的性关系。她心里有着浮浮沉沉的挣扎,却还没有勇气从这段关系中走出来。 尼娜的父母从教会处领养了一名美丽的聋哑少女道格(卡米拉·贝勒 Camilla Belle饰)。她幼年丧母,从此不会说话,陷入一片沉默的世界。正因为如此,人人都把这个不会泄密的女孩当作倾说秘密的对象。这个家庭里尼娜父母间名存实亡的婚姻、尼娜与父亲之间不可告人的关系、甚至是尼娜同学们最为隐秘的事情,都一一为道格所知。但道格本身更为惊人的秘密,却从没有为他人所晓。而且,她将会被尼娜的秘密卷入深不见底的漩涡……Following the death of her father, a teenage Dot moves into the home of her godparents and their teenage daughter Nina. Dot arrives wrapped up in the silence of being deaf-mute. She finds a different kind of silence waiting for her in her new home, for this home is a place with a dark secret involving Nina and her father. At first, Dot and Nina seem to be polar opposites. However, they gradually realize how much they have in common. Bringing them together catalyzes a series of events in which both reveal their secrets and shed their double lives. A violent consummation almost destroys them. Yet they find hope for the future in the quiet after the storm.