伦敦杀戮 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:With the world's most recognizable city as its backdrop, LONDON KILLS will dramatize the experiences of a team of top murder detectives. Slick, modern and fast moving, the series will be shot like a cutting-edge documentary. Each episode of LONDON KILLS will focus on a different murder following the detectives as they uncover the truth behind the killing but will also have a serial story involving the lead detective's missing wife.

伦敦杀戮 第一季的影评列表

屠夫 • 我们还是不知道他的妻子哪里去了……

我们还是不知道他的妻子哪里去了…… 五集的剧集,开篇一个棘手的案件但是也并不是一个贯穿故事的案件,看