午夜梦回In My Sleep(2010)

又名:当我梦游的时候 / 睡杀


主演:菲利普·文切斯特 蒂姆·德莱克斯 莱西·沙伯特 阿比盖尔·斯宾赛 贝丝·格兰特 

导演:Allen Wolf / 编剧:Allen Wolf


Plot Summary:Marcus is a popular massage therapist who struggles with parasomnia, a severe sleepwalking disorder that causes him to do things in his sleep that he cannot remember the next day. When he wakes up with blood on his hands and a knife at his side, he is startled to hear that a close friend has been found stabbed to death. Marcus frantically tries to put the pieces together - could he have murdered his friend while sleepwalking to hide a dark secret between them? The police close in as Marcus investigates his own nocturnal activities, desperate to figure out what happens after he goes to sleep. His journey to uncover the truth leads him to a shocking revelation.
马库斯(菲利普·温彻斯特 Philip Winchester 饰)是一名年轻英俊的按摩师,他患有严重的睡眠障碍,会在沉睡之中四处梦游,对于睡着之后所发生的事情,马库斯本人一无所知。好在梦游并未给马库斯的日常生活带来过什么真正的影响和麻烦。   然而,某一日,当马库斯从睡梦中醒来之时,发现自己的双手沾满了鲜血,而一把带血的尖刀证实,马库斯度过了非常不同寻常的一夜。好友被人刺死的消息震惊了马库斯,一切证据都显示他和这起谋杀事件有着不可推卸的关联。警察闻讯而来,他们将怀疑的目标锁定在了马库斯的身上,为了证实自己的清白,马库斯必须单枪匹马调查事件的真相。


Spencer • 万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方。


海外仙人 • 简  介
