枪疯Gun Crazy(1950)


主演:佩吉·卡明斯 约翰·道尔 托尼·巴尔 

导演:约瑟夫·刘易斯 / 编剧:达尔顿·特朗勃 Dalton Trumbo/MacKinlay Kantor/米拉德·考夫曼 Millard Kaufman


Plot Summary:Since he was a child, Bart Tare has always loved guns. After leaving the army, his friends take him to a carnival, where he meets the perfect girl, Annie, a sharp-shooting sideshow performer who loves guns as much as he. The two run off and marry, but Annie isn't happy with their financial situation, so at her behest the couple begins a crosscountry string of daring robberies. Never one to use guns for killing, Bart is dragged down into oblivion by the greedy and violent nature of the woman he loves.
巴特(鲁斯·谭柏林 Russ Tamblyn 饰)从小就对枪支十分着迷,十四岁时,因为企图盗窃枪支,巴特站在的被告人的席位之后,虽然姐姐露比(Anabel Shaw 饰)想尽了一切办法试图唤起陪审团的怜悯,但巴特还是被送入了少年教养院。   一晃眼多年过去,巴特(约翰·道尔 John Dall 饰)由一名孱弱的少年成长为了身强体壮的男子汉,唯一没有改变的,就是他对于枪械的热爱和痴迷。一次偶然中,巴特结识了马戏团的劳莉(佩吉·卡敏斯 Peggy Cummins 饰),一见钟情的两人很快打得火热,却因此遭到了马戏团主的厌恶和驱逐。就这样,巴特和劳莉离开了马戏团,化身为冷酷无情的雌雄大盗,踏上了一条烧杀抢掠的不归路。


纯肉锅贴 • 红颜即祸水——《枪疯》:黑色电影的独特风味
