新党Neo Ned(2005)



主演:杰瑞米·雷纳 加布里埃尔·尤尼恩 

导演:Van Fischer / 编剧:Tim Boughn


Plot Summary:Like most kids, Ned idolized his father and dreamed of following in his footsteps. Unfortunately, his father was a two-bit crook who spent most of his life in jail. Without a family of his own, Ned falls in with the Aryan Brotherhood. Soon after, Ned is placed in a mental hospital where he is mesmerized by a young black girl who believes Adolf Hitler was reincarnated in her. What follows is a gritty character study and poignant love story of two people brought together by a seemingly impossible connection. As a result of that connection, they both find that there is more to a person than what is on the surface.
像大多数孩子一样,内德(Ned)极度崇拜父亲并梦想子继父业。不幸的是,他父亲是下贱的骗子,一生大多时间蹲在监狱里。没有他自己家庭的支撑,内德败在亚利安兄弟会(Aryan Brotherhood)(译者注:亚利安兄弟会是美国一黑帮组织)。不久以后,内德被安置在精神病医院里,在这里他深深迷恋一个相信自己是阿道夫·希特勒转世的年轻黑人女孩。接下来发生的是,两个人坚韧不拔的性格探讨和凄美的爱情故事,他们是通过看起来不可能的关系走到一块的。这段关系的结局是,他们都发现,相比于表面上的东西,对于一个人而言还有更多的不可思议的事情。


白月光 • 他不为任何人而活,只为他自己
