小公主A Little Princess(1986)


主演:Amelia Shankley 奈杰尔·哈弗斯 米瑞安·玛格莱斯 穆琳·利普曼 

导演:Carol Wiseman / 编剧:Frances Hodgson Burnett


Plot Summary:Sara Crewe is the pampered darling of her father, an army captain, and the Victorian London girls' school where he places her. But when her father dies, penniless, Sara becomes a skivvy in Miss Michin's school, befriended only by the scullery maid, Becky, her friends Ermengarde and Lottie, a little monkey, a lascar, and the mysterious man next door.
PBS电视台制作   Sara Crewe is the pampered darling of her father, an army colonel, and the Victorian London girls' school where he places her. But when her father dies, penniless, Sara becomes a skivvy in Miss Michin's school, befriended only by the scullery maid, Becky, her friends Ermengarde and Lottie, a little monkey, a lascar, and the mysterious man next door.


mysticark • 真正的小公主

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