
又名:辣妈上路(台) / 邦尼维尔


主演:杰西卡·兰格 Robert Conder 凯西·贝茨 琼·艾伦 克里斯汀·玛丽·詹森 克里斯汀·芭伦斯基 汤姆·阿曼德茨 汤姆·沃帕特 Ivey Lloyd 汤姆·斯凯里特 维克多·罗塞克 阿拉贝拉·菲尔德 

导演:Christopher N. Rowley / 编剧:Daniel D. Davis/Christopher N. Rowley


Plot Summary:The distressed emotions that Arvilla Holden are feeling upon the death of her husband Joe Holden are compounded by dealing with Joe's adult daughter, Francine Packer. Joe and Arvilla were lovingly married for twenty years, and although they lived in Pocatello, Idaho - Arvilla's home town - they traveled the world on one adventure after another. Joe was from Santa Barbara, California, where Francine and the extended Holden family still live. Arvilla is certain that Joe wrote a new will after they got married, but since that will is nowhere to be found, the official will is the one that Francine has in her possession, which outlines certain things that Arvilla knows Joe would not now have wanted. That will states that Joe's embalmed body is to be interned with Francine's mother in Santa Barbara, despite Joe already having been cremated. Arvilla knows that Joe would have wanted his ashes scattered into the wind. The will also deeds the house in which Arvilla and Joe lived their entire marriage to Francine, which would leave Arvilla not only homeless, but shut out of the house in which she has strong and loving memories. Francine offers a settlement with Arvilla: Joe's ashes for the house. Arvilla reluctantly agrees. Arvilla plans on bringing the ashes to the memorial service in Santa Barbara in one week's time, accompanied by her two best friends, free wheeling and single Margene Cunningham, and "perfect" mom Carol Brimm, all three women being Mormon of varying devotion. The plan is to drive the three hours from Pocatello to Salt Lake City, Utah, to catch a flight to Santa Barbara. But upon their departure from Pocatello in Joe's refurbished Pontiac Bonneville convertible, Arvilla takes the three on a road trip instead to all the places she and Joe loved en route to Santa Barbara. This trip gives Arvilla time to decide ultimately what she will do regarding her deal with Francine, which is affected by her time with Margene and Carol, and by encounters they have with people they meet along the way, most specifically a young man named Bo who is on a search for his biological father who he has never met, and a long haul trucker named Emmett.
面对一直以来的生活,Arvilla做了个决定,她与最好的两个朋友,开着一辆老款的66庞蒂克汽车,开始了一场穿越美国西部的盛大旅行。虽然这开始只是一个简单的旅程,但在这个过程中,她们慢慢重新认识自己,她们之间的友谊,曾经最重要的承诺, 还有如何充实的生活着……


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三个女人:Jessica Lange,Kathy Bates,Joan Allen。平均年龄57,共