死亡倒计时Liberty Stands Still(2002)


主演:琳达·费奥伦蒂诺 韦斯利·斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 奥利弗·普莱特 

导演:Kari Skogland / 编剧:Kari Skogland


Plot Summary:A gunman ties up an actor and locks him in his dressing room just before a performance. He also puts a bomb with a 90-minute timer next to the actor. Then, he goes to a room above an LA plaza and draws a bead on the actor's lover, international arms dealer, Liberty Wallace. Calling himself "Joe," he calls her cell phone, demonstrates that a rifle is pointed at her, and tells her to cuff herself to a hot-dog cart nearby (the cuffs are there). Over the next 90 minutes, the story unfolds: as a result of his daughter's death, he wants a public debate on the Second Amendment. As Liberty begins to bond with Joe on the phone, he gets some truths from her - and his revenge.
利贝蒂(琳达·费奥伦蒂诺 Linda Fiorentino 饰)尽管已是有夫之妇,但依旧性感火辣。某日,她前往剧院观看情人的演出,就在这时,一通神秘的电话打到了她的手机上,对方自称祖(韦斯利·斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 饰),祖告诉利贝蒂,当手机的电池耗尽之时,隐藏在某一处的炸弹就会爆炸,从此时开始,死亡开始了它的倒计时。   原来,祖的女儿不幸成为了一场校园枪击案中的遇难者,而凶手所使用的枪械,正来自于利贝蒂那身为军火商的丈夫。与此同时,利贝蒂的情人亦被祖挟持,祖想要的东西只有一样,那就是一份及其机密的名单。在如此紧急的情况之下,利贝蒂该做出怎样的选择?


雯昊 • 无聊至极

两个人聊天,聊了两小时。 最后那男的死的莫名其妙。 超极没意思,耽误我两小时,如果不是老公非要看,我

捌嵗8SUI • 这个杀手真不是一般的啰嗦!!!!

太罗嗦了,尤其是前面,铺垫的废话太多了。 后面暴乱的场面也太平淡了,至于所谓的音乐也