如何吃炸毛虫How to Eat Fried Worms(2006)



主演:卢克·本沃德 海莉·凯特·爱森伯格 Kimberly Williams Austin Rogers 克林特·霍华德 

导演:Bob Dolman / 编剧:Bob Dolman


Plot Summary:The Forrester family - father Mitch Forrester, mother Helen Forrester, their pre-teen son Billy Forrester and their pre-school son Woody Forrester - have just moved to a new town where Mitch is starting a new job. Both Mitch and Billy are worried about fitting into their new environment. It's worse for Billy as Woody, who is not worried about the move, is at that stage in his life where everything is simple and easy. Billy's first day in the fifth grade at his new school does not go well when he gets into an altercation with the class bullies, led by Joe Guire. The altercation involves worms and Billy stating that he eats worms all the time, which leads to all the bullies calling him "Wormboy". As such, Joe bets Billy that he can't eat ten worms (without vomiting), the bet to take place this upcoming Saturday, with the last worm to be consumed by 7pm. Despite having a notoriously weak stomach, Billy takes him up on the bet. As the bet starts, the only classmate on Billy's side is Erika Tansy, a girl with a mind of her own. All the other boys follow Joe if only out of fear, especially as legend has it that the ring that Joe wears contains poison which will lead to a slow death if injected. The boys get into one misadventure after another as they try to find different places and increasingly disgusting ways to cook the worms before Billy consumes them. But by the end of the day, they all learn that there is strength in numbers in dealing with fear.
比利(卢克·本沃德 Luke Benward 饰)是一个可爱的十一岁男孩,跟随着父母的脚步,他搬到了一座名为邓肯威尔的小镇里,即将在这个被誉为“美国蚯蚓之都”的城镇里开始他新的生活。面对新的学校、新的同学、新的挑战,比利能否全力以赴呢?   比利首当其冲要解决的问题,就是如何和在这个学校里无处不在的昆虫共同生存。为了迅速赢得同学们的信赖,比利想出了一个“妙招”,那就是宣布自己将在一天之内吃十只毛毛虫。海口是夸下了,比利也凭此迅速的获得了同学们的关注,那么问题来了,他该如何兑现他的诺言呢?


拾荒者 • 《炸虫总动员》简评


哈大猫 • 像男人一样说话

像男人一样说话~这个是我看到最后唯一想说的! 比利一次一次吃掉那些恶心巴拉的死虫子,露出那样纯真的不

老key • 6,1快乐


Star Lost 4eva
Star Lost 4eva • Fry the worms with lard OMG

哈哈 猪油炸蚯蚓 有创意 小女孩超像 Scarlette Johnson,不会是表姐妹吧 BTW

cg • 让我想起<蝇王>来了~

同样还是表现孩子之间的阶级斗争~ =v= 只不过这个孩子没被欺负死,而是勇敢面对,从而反击. 最后吃

[已注销] • 融入的困难

看着小男孩和父亲都为融入新的生活而努力,忍不住联想起自己。 伤心的记忆。 那么多。 从小就不停的转

Qi. • 看的我头皮发麻

小时候咱也玩过虫子... 不过 远比上这帮小毛孩玩的恶心... 几个吃虫子的片断 真的好恶心啊

影生人 • 谁的虫子比较难吃?——《 How to Eat Fried Worms 》

2006-11-29 对父亲而言,吃虫子是个比喻。 对Billy而言,吃虫子是动真格的赌约。 从

李挺 • 很好玩的虫子盛宴


spencer • 趣味横生的电影

也许仅仅是因为我喜欢这种儿童电影,感觉非常轻松,有一点找回了童年的感觉。 根据畅销原著改编,剧本本

大响马 • 小时候你吃过虫么
