脏水王朝The Dirtwater Dynasty(1988)


导演:Michael Jenkins / John Power / 编剧:John Duigan/Terry Hayes


Plot Summary:"Dirtwater Dynasty" is the story of embittered rivalry, triumph and despair. The life of Richard Eastwick is told in a story spanning three generations and eight decades. Born in the London slums in 1878, he comes to Australia at age 20, with nothing but a handful of courage and a dream. He acquires land, marries and raises a family, wins loyal friends and makes bitter enemies, and builds a land and cattle ranching empire. Both world wars and the economic depression take their toll on his family. But his dream to create a dynasty gives him a reason to continue.


上海比熊求输血 • 找到个带字幕的(感谢pinkmoon洛洛 同学)

字幕版: 【澳大利亚/5集全】脏水王朝(中字渣翻)(主演:雨果维文/hugo weaving) ht

华月沙罗 • 在他风华正茂少年时

反正没人写,我就来随便发个花痴…… 一 “在阳光的照射下,平原犹如一个雾气腾腾的透明的湖泊。透过