夏日月光Summer's Blood(2009)


主演:阿什丽·格林尼 芭芭拉·尼文 史蒂芬·麦克哈蒂 Peter Mooney 

导演:Lee Demarbre / 编剧:Christine Conradt/Sean Hogan


Plot Summary:The rebellious teenager, Summer Matthews, finds out her mother's secret - her unknown father is alive - and she decides to seek him out. She hitchhikes to a small village called Massey with an old picture of her father, expecting that someone might identify him. When she arrives in the community, she shoplifts from a store but the local sheriff sees her and chases her. However Tom Hoxey helps her to flee and they go out on date that night. Tom takes her home where he lives with his mother, Gaia, and they have one night stand. The next morning, just as Summer is ready to go, she finds out that Tom is not quite the perfect gentleman.
性感美丽的女孩萨默尔(艾丝莉·格里尼 Ashley Greene 饰)独自旅行,希望前往小镇迈锡找到她的父亲。她在小镇超市偷窃时被人发现,幸得阳光俊朗的男孩汤姆·霍克斯(皮特·穆尼 Peter Mooney 饰)的帮助才摆脱警察的追捕。两人自此熟捻,他们在一起聊天、喝酒,晚上萨默尔更来到汤姆的住处休息。   春晓一刻,当萨默尔次日准备再次上路时,却遭到汤姆及其母亲(芭芭拉·尼温 Barbara Niven 饰)的阻拦。当她从昏迷中醒来,发现自己被囚禁在一个阴暗潮湿的地窖中,与之作伴的还有一个恐怖的骷髅和奄奄一息的女孩,原本阳光的汤姆也露出阴森的笑容。萨默尔的性命危在旦夕,而那对怪异母子的秘密似乎也渐渐浮出水面……


薇厘 • 语无伦次


illegal • Summer's Blood (含剧透)

一开始看这个片子是因为Ashley Greene,非常喜欢她充满灵气的美。她凭借暮色走