
Plot Summary:High profile San Francisco Police Lieutenant Frank Bullitt is asked personally by ambitious Walter Chalmers, who is in town to hold a US Senate subcommittee hearing on organized crime, to guard Johnny Ross, a Chicago based mobster who is about to turn evidence against the organization at the hearing. Chalmers wants Ross' safety at all cost, or else Bullitt will pay the consequences. Bullitt and his team of Sergeant Delgetti and Detective Carl Stanton have Ross in protective custody for 48 hours over the weekend until Ross provides his testimony that upcoming Monday. Bullitt's immediate superior, Captain Samuel Bennet, gives Bullitt full authority to lead the case, no questions asked for any move Bullitt makes. When an incident occurs early during their watch, Bullitt is certain that Ross and/or Chalmers are not telling them the full story to protect Ross properly. Without telling Bennet or an incensed Chalmers, Bullitt clandestinely moves Ross while he tries to find out who is after Ross, and why Ross has seemingly made it so easy for "them" to find him. As Bullitt enlists the help of his live-in artist girlfriend Cathy over the weekend and as she sees for the first time with what he deals every day, she wonders if he is indeed the man with whom she should be.


HD • 几个细节问题

1.交接污点证人也太随意了吧?既然那么重要也就没人看着?要不就一个人看着? 这是不是政客故意让他死啊

sunflowerzzz • 与其说是影评,不如说我这是BULLITT MUSTANG车评

写了一篇很长的知乎专栏,虽然汽车话题和豆瓣很违和,电影评的也不专业,但想着还是搬上来吧。 如果说这部

安心 • 《布利特》旧金山街头实景拍摄飙车戏

又译(警网铁金刚)(谍案迷情) 导演:彼得·叶兹 编剧:Robert L. Fish   Alan

helloapple • 那个沃尔特·查莫斯到底是干嘛的?


paradiso • Jeremy Clarkson心目中no.1的追车戏


Billy • 不能凭封面就判定一本书的好坏,恩

看完影片我的反应是:WTF,这就是经典的动作片?除了 Steve Mcqueen还是那么酷之外,这片

Lane • Dirty Tough Cop 祖师
