

主演:考克斯·哈比马 Ivan Andonov Rolf Hoppe 

导演:埃尔曼·舍奇 / 编剧:Angel Vagenshtain


Plot Summary:Eight space cargo-ships disappear without a trace within three days. And the orbit station "Margot" has suddenly fallen silent. The space council is faced with a mystery and the scientist in charge, Maria Scholl, sees no other solution than ordering a total flight stop to this mysterious sector of space. Her colleague, Prof. Tal seems to be suspicious since he knows things before they are even released. A forbidden look into his personal file brings to light that Tal was part of the Eolomea project that never found approval of the commission in charge.


吴鞑靼 • 1972年的远方,就在群星的尽头

第一叙事线:地球上的勾心斗角 开场是男主人公对宇宙的一次呼喊,「宇宙不再有」这句话颇有深意。 紧接着