自由魂A Free Soul(1931)


主演:瑙玛·希拉 莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔 克拉克·盖博 莱斯利·霍华德 

导演:克拉伦斯·布朗 / 


Plot Summary:Stephen Ashe, an upper class alcoholic defense attourney, successfully defends local mobster Ace Wilfong in a murder case. After his daughter Jan Ashe breaks her engagement to polo player Dwight Winthrop and starts an affair with Wilfong, she finds that the liason is not easily severed when she wants out. Winthrop earns Miss Ashe's true affections by killing Wilfong to break his grip on her. Now the question is, can Stephen Ashe save Winthrop with an impassioned defense speech to the jury?


薄雾微光 • 好莱坞禁片之三瑙玛・希拉之《自由魂》

《自由魂》,呈现了由瑙玛·希拉主演的简这位敢爱敢恨的现代知性女子形象。 她爸爸是一位有名的律师,父女