苏加诺Soekarno: Indonesia Merdeka(2013)


主演:Ario Bayu 路克曼·沙帝 

导演:哈农·布拉曼蒂约 / 编剧:Ben Sihombing


Plot Summary:1942, The Nederlands(ch)-Indië Government in Java Island captured Soekarno, an aspiring young man who wants to free Indonesia from colonialism. He was then put in Banceuy Prison at Bandung, Indonesia. Instead of lamenting, Soekarno found a way to fight back by delivering his famous defence oration "Indonesi Acccuse!" in his trial at Bandung Laandraad Courthouse. This story follows the life of Soekarno, Republic of Indonesia's first president, from his childhood until he managed to proclaimed Indonesian freedom with M. Hatta.
《苏加诺》是一部关于印度尼西亚第一任总统苏加诺的传记片。   本片剧情从苏加诺的出生一直讲到带领印度尼西亚脱离殖民统治走向独立。


老羊 • ZZ题材不好拍啊

他把日军看成他个人和国家的解放者 --------想当年汪先生也只是差了一步,好在有J先生从中万般!