草莓声明The Strawberry Statement(1970)

又名:烈火暴潮 / 草莓宣言


主演:布鲁斯·戴维森 金·达比 巴德·库特 

导演:斯图尔特·哈格曼 / 编剧:伊斯雷尔·霍洛维茨 Israel Horovitz/James Kunen


Plot Summary:Simon is a student at a college in San Francisco. He is content to be on the rowing team and remain as just a casual observer to the on-campus unrest, demonstrations and protests. However, curiosity gets the best of him and he begins exploring the inner sanctum of the students who have invaded the dean's office. He soon meets Linda and becomes a loyal member of the student revolution to meet girls. However, when he truly discovers the corruption and the madness that his comrades are protesting, his mindset also joins the movement. He becomes a revolutionary leader and prepares his comrades for a very violent climactic showdown with "the pigs" at a sit-in.
不是人选择时代,而是时代选择了人。一心将来赚钱上位的大学新生西蒙恰逢后68学潮,神推鬼使当上了抗争英雄,未有黄金屋先有颜如玉,满以为左右逢源却陷入人生夹缝,命运自主可会徒余口号?原来自由代价可以无限大,但不要紧,冲锋一路为红颜,该做为何不可作?片末警察冲破学生防线,残酷清埸,今日看来竟历历于前。一曲Circle Game固然脍灸人口,当年康城评审团奖得主,更影响了不止一代的香港学运及社运中人。故事改编自东岸真实学运抗争,移花接木至西岸三藩市拍摄,公义与自由的辩证来得更讽喻、更具美式风情。


Absurdfool • A clumsy revolt's story

I watched it in a film festival a couple of years