

主演:安娜玛丽亚·玛琳卡 亚历山德鲁·波托切安 德拉戈什·布库尔 Mimi Branescu 

导演:拉杜·蒙泰安 / 编剧:Alexandru Baciu/拉杜·穆提恩 Radu Muntean/Razvan Radulescu


Plot Summary:On his spring break at the seaside, with his wife and his four year old son, Bogdan Ciocazanu runs into his best friends from high-school at the precise date and time that reminds all of them of their most glorious drinking trips and sexual escapades of their younger days. Frustrated that, between his job and his family, time is no longer his to manage and play with, Boogie now takes his shock dosage of freedom and spends a night to tick off all the items on the map of his youth (drinking, games, flirting, prostitutes). In the morning, after the disillusionment of the remake he experiences with his former friends, he returns to his wife.
《无主孤军》《圣诞节后的星期二》的罗马尼亚导演拉杜·穆提恩 08年作品。佐奴与妻儿度假的时候偶遇了几年不见的两个好友,于是他们一起吃饭、喝酒、跳舞、找女人,一起聊工作、婚姻和生活,他们都很不开心……


五十米深藍 • 海邊的波兒

電影無可置疑是十分悶, 導演是前年拍無主孤軍的那位. 男主角boogie與老婆兒子旅遊, 卻又撞到