
又名:Mountain Ava


主演:刘子漫 胡天阳 常海波 程耀辉 季李 黄友江 黄剑峰 马玉露 杨伟亮 黄林杰 李国华 

导演:杨振豪 / 编剧:张艺耀 Yiyao Zhang/啊张 A Zhang/才博 Caibo


Plot Summary:The story has taken place at the southwest virgin forest of China, The villagers lived around the forest rarely step in deep, because of the rumor of the savage. The villagers believed it is the spirit of the mountain and they named her Mountain Ava. A little boy named Tong Hua and his father the journalist Tong has come down to the forest, but the old guide villager will not take them into it. The 10 years old has been lost with trace of the wolf footprints. Ava saved him from mysterious Snake and Wolf. There is a new group who uniformed as animal protectors come for Ava, and they have killed her best friend monkey, the revenge begins.
故事发生在中国西南边陲的一个原始森林,森林附近的村民每次在他们突然遇到野兽袭击时,就会有一个野人解救村民于危难之中,当地的村民称为山魅。   一批不速之客打破了的森林的寂静:佟记者带着他一个患自闭症的儿子佟化来到了这片森林遇到了山魅;自称动物保护站的盗猎团伙在这时发觉了这个野人,吴站长等人追击山魅。   山魅在逃命的途中受伤,佟化寻找到山魅后慢慢与山魅变成了好朋友。佟化两次潜入盗猎团伙的老窝,与偷猎行为做斗争。吴站长杀死了小猴子,佟化与山魅为了报仇雪恨,在森林设了重重机关,保护了森林,将这帮盗猎团伙绳之于法。   而山魅解救佟化时,永久消失在这片神秘的原始丛林里。佟化与山魅保护森林的传奇故事也被传为当地村民的佳话。


绿毛怪 • 猩球崛起的后丛林电影

被最近的猩球崛起撩拨起了关于未知丛林生物的兴趣。 野人题材是一直从小一直感兴趣的话题,从小一直看的