库尔特是残酷的Kurt blir grusom(2008)

又名:邪恶科特 / 走火入魔的柯特 / Kurt Turns Evil


主演:Atle Antonsen Kristin Skogheim 阿卡塞尔·亨涅 

导演:Rasmus A. Sivertsen / 编剧:Karsten Fullu/Per Schreiner


Plot Summary:One day Kurt discovers that society basically does not respect forklift operators very much. His wife is an ambitious architect. His neighbor is a medical doctor. Not even Kurt's own kids seem to be very happy about their father's occupation. Even if Kurt is popular among his colleagues and likes to drive a forklift, he quits his job, and starts climbing the social ladder. He wants to become a doctor, he wants to get rich, and he wants to be somebody. In the end, he even wants to become Prime Minister. But he does not have much success in any of his projects, and as time goes by, Kurt turns - vicious.
库尔特(Atle Antonsen 配音)是一名叉车操作员,他深深的热爱着自己的这一份工作,亦拥有着高超的操作技巧,然而,库尔特渐渐的发现,虽然自己深受同事和上司的爱戴和信赖,但对其他人来说,叉车操作员并不是一份高尚和只得尊重的工作,就连自己的妻子和孩子们在提到他的工作时,亦选择了含糊其辞的一笔带过。   库尔特决定辞职,他要寻找一份真正能够获得社会大众认可和尊重的工作。起初,他希望能够成为一名救死扶伤的医生,之后,库尔特对金钱产生了贪婪的欲望,渐渐的,库尔特的野心越来越大,但与此同时,他失去的东西也越来越多。


FiN - 挪威
FiN - 挪威 • 有钱没我

看过电影后,感觉更恰当地片名翻译应该是“库尔特变可怕了!” 影片讲的是一个耳熟能详的道理,钱会改变一

单车跑 • 挪威人原来这么逗

跟美国动画片风格完全不同,北欧的文化还真是有趣 叉车司机早饭都吃煎饼的,而且不是白面的,是屎色的,

nicholayue • 如果库尔特是残酷的

你看过《库尔特是残酷的》么?如果没看,大致也不会误解我的话。 库尔特不仅是残酷的,

rachel • 做你自己

库尔特当了回恐怖分子。 起因很简单,隔壁搬了个医生,有车,豪宅。相形之下,库尔特的“廉价房”和廉价生

døo.0dø • Wonderful Cøpenhagen

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