

导演:Ilan ziv / 


Plot Summary:In the early days of the system, that came to be known as Capitalism, political economists of all stripes struggled to understand the laws that govern the flow of capital - and of Capitalism's related activities. As a result, a critical assessment and sketchy understanding of how Capitalism worked began to emerge. But in recent times, as the system, and the world, has grown a hundredfold more complex we have veered away from the pursuit of any clear, critical understanding of the phenomenon. Economic departments in most major universities in the English-speaking world have abolished courses in the history of Economic and political economy. We are left with incomprehensible mathematical models whose relevance to the real world is hotly disputed. We were told very little about Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus yet their names have been used to give legitimacy to contemporary economic activities. To further obscure the issues, this « econo speak » has been supplemented by ...
透過這部六集的傑出紀錄片,以色列導演Ilan Ziv改變我們對於世界經濟的看法。資本主義是從哪裡來的?它是隨著我們社會的自然演化所導致的?或是被我們政治與科技環境的改變而改變的論述所主導的?為了回答這個問題,影片引領我們從亞馬遜的獵人部落,途經中國最後的共產社會,來到城市的金融市場中心。它以嚴密的調查報導穿越了22個國家,絲毫不畏懼推翻我們已經垂老的偶像,或者破壞我們既定的認知。超過20位受訪者,循著為資本主義歷史立下標竿的大思想家的痕跡,由思考經濟的層面,挺進最當下的時事,為我們這趟2008年經濟危機後的旅程照亮光明。


代替你 • 资本:通往债务奴役之路

第一集: 最初,古代人类从以物易物开始,慢慢发展出金钱系统,这其实是一个没有根据的推想。观察世界各地