欢愉主妇Sykt Lykkelig(2010)

又名:偷情真快乐 / 性福快乐 / 快乐,快乐 / Happy, Happy


主演:阿格尼丝·基特尔森 Henrik Rafaelsen Joachim Rafaelsen Maibritt Saerens Oskar Hernæs Brandsø 

导演:Anne Sewitsky / 编剧:Ragnhild Tronvoll/Mette M. Bølstad


Plot Summary:Family is the most important thing in the world to Kaja. She is an eternal optimist in spite of living with a man who would rather go hunting with the boys, and who refuses to have sex with her because she isn't particularly attractive anymore. Whatever. That's life. But when the perfect couple moves in next door, Kaja struggles to keep her emotions in check. Not only do these successful, beautiful, exciting people sing in a choir; they have also adopted a child - from Ethiopia. These new neighbors open a new world to Kaja, with consequences for everyone involved. And when Christmas comes around, it becomes evident that nothing will ever be like before - even if Kaja tries her very best.
卡嘉(阿格尼丝·基特尔森 Agnes Kittelsen 饰)是邻居们眼里的好好太太,个性随和而又友善的她从来不大声说话,总是一副笑嘻嘻的样子,对待生活也认真而积极,可实际上,在这一切的背后,卡嘉和丈夫婚姻不和已经很多年了,一切的美好都只不过是她强作欢颜的假面而已。   某日,卡嘉的隔壁搬来了邻居西格夫(亨里克·拉法尔森 Henrik Rafaelsen 饰)和伊莎贝斯(麦布里特·赛伦斯 Maibritt Saerens 饰),这对夫妻优雅的生活羡煞了卡嘉,他们不仅在唱诗班有着一份兼职,还领养了一个黑人男孩。在机缘巧合之下,卡嘉和西格夫之间碰撞出了激情的火花,但随着两人距离的接近,隐藏于这个家庭之中的黑暗秘密也随之浮出了水面。


OneBeTwo • 围城建立在偏见之上


Echo • 出轨之外

偶然读了水木丁关于这部电影的影评《出轨拯救人生》,今天下午找来看了。 豆瓣上把这部电影的名字翻译成《

假仙女 • 随手拍解救性饥渴主妇

观后感:这是真实生活的写照。 以前看电影没注意过国家的分别,反正除了英语、法语、德语、意大利语、西

神甫 • 《快乐,快乐》

真不太像一部挪威影片,反而很美国独立制作感觉。 稍微不同意义的四角恋关系,对婚姻家庭调侃似解读,冲