扬子江突围记Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst(1957)

又名:扬子江事件 / 紫石英号事件


主演:理查德·托德 威廉·哈特奈尔 阿基姆·坦米罗夫 唐纳德·休斯敦 陆锡麒 索菲·斯图尔特 罗伯特·厄克特 詹姆斯·肯尼 理查德·利奇 迈克尔·布里尔 巴里·福斯特 托马斯·希思科特 山姆·基德 埃文·索伦 布赖恩·史密斯 

导演:迈克尔·安德森 / 编剧:埃里克·安卜勒 Eric Ambler/Lawrence Earl


Plot Summary:In 1949, during the Chinese Civil War, British warship H.M.S. Amethyst sails up the Yangtse river but on the return trip finds its way blocked by a barrage fire from the Communist Chinese shore batteries.
While sailing lawfully up the Yangste river in 1949, the British warship Amethyst found its return to the open sea blocked by Communist Chinese shore batteries that unexpectedly opened fire. In charge, Lieutenant Commander Kerans was not however prepared for his crew and his ship to remain as a hostage for the Chinese to use as an international pawn.


Xiuling-S • Aye aye sir.

近几年已经很少能够从头到尾看完一部黑白片了,可莫名其妙就被这一部给吸引住。 特别喜欢这么直白明朗的

Favillae • 舰长与舰喵

非影评,纯唠嗑。 关于紫石英号的crew,我最先知道的就是舰喵Simon,当时在maritimeq

满舰饰假子 • 本作有趣之处

1、本作中饰演“紫石英”号的,正是该舰自己。这在世界战争电影史上非常罕见。 2、解放军军装都是模仿的