

主演:Julie Dray Julien Vialon Alexander Polli 

导演:Richard Parry / 编剧:Tom Williams


Plot Summary:Only two kinds of people step off a cliff: those who want to die and those who want to live. J.C. is a B.A.S.E. jumper, a global playboy who lives his life quite literally on the edge, pursuing man's greatest dream - to fly. When a jump goes wrong, that dream is violently shattered. Haunted by the event, J.C. is drawn to his best friend's lover, ASH (Julie Dray), as he pushes himself harder than ever before - flying lower, closer, faster and recording every moment on film.


啦啦啦 • 第一次AMAZING

Hold on to nothing, except the present. 就是听到片尾这句话,