偶像L' Idole(2002)

又名:The Idol / 爱欲寻邻


主演:Leelee Sobieski James Hong 

导演:Samantha Lang / 


Plot Summary:Zao, a retired cook living alone in an apartment. His day-to-day life consists mostly of routine; he meets with a fellow retiree, waters his plants, etc. But his predictable lifestyle is thrown for a loop with the arrival of Sarah (Sobieski), a free-spirited girl who instantly captures the interest and attention of virtually everyone in the building. Zao lives the closest to Sarah, so when she has an electrical problem, she asks for his help. They get to talking, and soon find themselves spending more and more time together.
一位中国老厨师,一个法国美艳少女,恰好成为邻居的两个人又会发生什么样的浪漫情事呢?      这是一部反映海外华人高尚品行并且展示中国文化特别是饮食文化的影片,故事情节舒缓,像一杯淡淡的清茶。 故事发生在法国的一个城市,一幢公寓里住着一位华裔退休厨师沙鲁,他风度儒雅,孤身一人,过着恬静而略显寂寞的生活。年轻漂亮的莎拉是一位话剧演员,因为无法发挥自己的才能而郁郁寡欢,常常徘徊在戏剧与现实之间,而她周围的邻居也对她的举动议论纷纷,唯有住在她隔壁的沙鲁先生,一位中国的老厨师,用他特有的品性来感染莎拉,由此他们之间引发了一段微妙的感情.


JoeyYu • 一点印象
