
主演:史蒂芬·朗 马克·塞特 

导演:拉齐·马凯 / 


Plot Summary:While out on the water, Nick and Jesse come across a Chinese junk. The four man crew - who Nick and Jesse later learn are Captain Chong Ling, his two adult nephews Ming and Wah, and his adult niece Lin - are suffering from dehydration and exposure. Their story: they are part of a Chinese fishing expedition that got separated from the rest of the fleet in a storm. Both Nick and Relic do not fully buy the story as there is no sign of fishing equipment on board the junk, but there is diving equipment. Relic believes the worst: that they are modern day pirates. With John and Coast Guard official Danny Lee on the case, Nick is not overly concerned whatever their true motive for being in the area. But when the Chinese take off unexpectedly, John, Danny, Nick and Jesse try to locate them so that they can get the true story, while Relic does whatever he can to raid them of whatever loot he believes they may have or will pilfer. Their true mission is a search for family history and restoring family name, but one that could be hindered by international red tape.
史蒂芬·朗将主演动作惊悚片[老人](Old Man,暂译)。拉齐·马凯([五月魔女])执导,Joel Veach操刀剧本,卡司还包括马克·塞特([红白蓝])。影片讲述了一个迷路的徒步旅行者(塞特饰)偶然发现了一个古怪而隐居的老人(朗饰)的小屋。两人一开始亲切的对话很快就变成了危险的对话,因为很明显,他们中的一个或两个人可能隐藏着一个可怕的秘密。该片将于明年1月在纽约开拍。


睿八爷 • 当老人内心的孤独感爆发会怎样? 以恐怖片包装而成的社会议题电影

由 Netflix 发行,来自德国的这部恐怖片《老人》(Old People),从预告片以及剧情简介

珠宝大牲 • 老吾老以及人之老

6.5/10分吧,社会派老龄化寓言故事,太沉重了。 要表达和讨论的太多太厚重,疏忽了惊悚恐怖类型片的