静静的顿河Тихий Дон(1930)

又名:And Quiet Flows The Don / The Quiet Don / 铁骑红泪

上映日期:1930(俄罗斯) / 1931-05-14(苏联)片长:75分钟

主演:Nikolay Podgorny 安德烈·阿布里科索夫 Emma Tsesarskaya Raisa Puzhnaya Aleksandr Gromov 

导演:Ivan Pravov / 奥尔佳·布拉金斯卡娅 / 编剧:肖洛霍夫 Mikhail Sholokhov/Ivan Pravov/奥尔佳·布拉金斯卡娅 Olga Preobrazhenskaya


Plot Summary:The first screen adaptation of an epic Russian novel about a village of Cossacks on the Don River, covering the First World War, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the subsequent Civil War between Reds and Whites. The main character.an antihero,is the violent, impetuous, unreliable Melekhov.


数帆老人 • 1933版《静静的顿河》—— 一部值得收藏的优质电影

《静静的顿河》是我极为喜爱的苏联文学作品,对其影视改编作品也很有兴趣。 据查证,迄