

导演:陈为军 / 


Plot Summary:West Lake Restaurant in South China's Changsha can safely call itself the biggest Chinese restaurant in the world, with its staff of 1,000 working 5,000 tables and serving no fewer than 150 ducks per day and 200 snakes per week. The words of the restaurant's staff and guests are used in the film to paint a picture of modern China: the proprietress, one of the city's 20 self-made millionaires, speaks candidly about her failed marriage; a bridegroom-to-be who is celebrating at the restaurant explains the modern Chinese customs associated with the wedding party; and a waitress visits her poor parents in the countryside. Through these scenes, we gain insight into the unique combination of the ancient religious values and the new capitalist values with which China is stepping into the 21st century. What becomes very clear is that not everyone is set to benefit from the economic boom. In an approach comparable to Jia Zhang-ke's in his portrait of a theme park called "The World," by focusing on the microcosm of the West Lake Restaurant, this film manages to gain a perspective on the huge changes China is going through.


aTai • 饮食男女

那个哭泣的姑娘,你现在过得好吗?当你回答道你想读书时,真的想上去抱住你,给你帮助。 非常棒的片子

bugz • 小评一下

相比陈导的《请投我一票》而言,这次的题材选择上已经输了一筹。 从一个餐馆的方方面面,映射出中国人各个

一度的微苏 • 全世界最大的中国餐馆

前几天真实影院看的,记录一些观后感。 我觉得片子拍得很妙。妙在执掌摄像机的人对镜头前发生的一切没有明