水男孩Water Boyy(2015)

又名:两世鸳 / 基漾青春 / 激漾青春


主演:阿努帕特·路恩索赛 帕庞科恩·勒查林波特 布克·奥利维斯 纳帕·戈马拉昆 

导演:Rachi Kusonkusiri / 编剧:Rachi Kusonkusiri


Plot Summary:A group of male swimmer, focusing on two of them, with their daily life. The first meeting wasn't so bad. But next thing he know, his hands was tied and his mouth choked with a cloth only to find his mates circling around him and telling him rumours about his roommate. Meuk, the new guy thought that Nam, his roommate would be as what his mates talk about. But what he see is different than what he imagined. A tale that tells about love triangle, the hardships of love, the true meaning of love, and how a minute is more than just a minute...


田宇 • 这不电影部分地方看得人一头雾水,和翻译太差有很大关系。原电影也许值五星,因为翻译扣一星。


book • 披着励志标题皮的青春爱情喜剧(其实是褒义

从预告片开始,就很期待这部电影,短短的预告片中融合了青春热血爱情选择亲情各种因素。 两位男主角是泰国