谍网惊魂The 39 Steps(1959)

又名:国防大秘密 / 三十九级台阶 / The Thirty-Nine Steps


主演:肯尼思·莫尔 泰娜·伊尔格 

导演:拉尔夫·托马斯 / 编剧:Frank Harvey/约翰·伯肯 John Buchan


Plot Summary:Richard Hannay witnesses a hit-and-run involving a woman pushing a pram. Looking in the pram he sees a gun instead of a baby. He tracks the woman down and she reveals that she is a secret agent trying to stop foreign spies leaving the country with important military secrets. Later that night she is murdered in Hannay's flat. Hannay takes it on himself to thwart the enemy agents. This involves travelling to Scotland and keeping one step ahead of the police who are looking for him in connection with the murder of the woman.
理查德·汉内亲眼目睹了一场由一名妇女推着婴儿车的袭击。在婴儿车里,他看到的是一把枪,而不是婴儿。他追踪这名女子的行踪,她透露, 她是一个秘密特工,她试图阻止外国间谍带着重要军事机密离开该国。那天晚上,她在汉内的公寓里被谋杀了。汉内采取了自己的手段来阻止奸细,这涉及到去苏格兰旅行,并且比警察在寻找他的时候要领先一步.


newlight • 英国悬疑经典《三十九级台阶》

英国悬疑经典《三十九级台阶》 BBC 2008 年底播出了最新版本的《三十九级台阶》,故事是名著改