
又名:A Cheeky Angel / 鲁莽天使


主演:林原惠美 大本真基子 高木涉 田中一成 上田祐司 桧山修之 仓田雅世 松井菜樱子 森久保祥太郎 梅津秀行 松本保典 银河万丈 浦和惠 中岛千里 今村直树 仲木隆司 鸟海胜美 草尾毅 永岛由子 盐屋浩三 宝龟克寿 丰岛真千子 西村朋纮 

导演:奥胁雅晴 / 


Plot Summary:Megumi-chan is a teen-aged girl with a secret past. She used to be a boy until she saved a magician from a gang of boys and was given a magical book. As a boy when he bled into the book a genie appeared to grant one wish. Megumi wished to be a man, but the genie granted the wish backwards so he turned into Megumi-kun, a girl. Years pass and Megumi grows up to be the most beautiful of girls but still acts and fights like the boy that she really is. Upon entering High School she immediately beats up the school bully who falls in love with her. Thus begins her adventures looking for that book to change her back and fighting off both admirers and her on-coming femininity.
天使惠(林原惠美 配音)本是铮铮男儿,可六岁那一年,在阴差阳错之下,他打开了一本魔法书,并被书中的恶魔变成了女孩,不仅如此,恶魔还消除了所有认识天使惠的人的记忆,这样即便天使惠喊破喉咙,也没有人相信他的男儿身。   就这样,顶着一副所有女人都会心生羡慕的美丽面庞的天使惠渐渐长大,并且升入了高中,学校里出了名的不良少年苏我源造(高木渉 配音)第一面就深深的爱上了天使惠,对她展开了热烈的追求,但天使惠居然以拳脚回应。天使惠的内心里只有一个愿望,那就是找到那本失落的魔法书,找回自己的男儿身。


浅き夢 • 恋爱喜剧


阿朴 • 天使肚子痛

这真是部粗俗的动画。 除去《棋魂》、《猎人》之类读者定位已经变得极尽暧昧的作品,从余沧海式的少年漫