鬼悚历险3DParanormal Xperience 3D(2011)


主演:阿玛雅·萨拉曼卡 马克西·伊格莱西亚斯 Lucho Fernandez 

导演:Sergi Vizcaino / 编剧:Dani Padro


Plot Summary:Angela is a psychiatry student who doesn't believe in the existence of paranormal world. The harshest and eccentric professor of the faculty, propose to Angela and other students show and refute the existence of the afterlife investigating a miner town with a secret story. Angela and four of her classmates go to 'Susurro' ('Whisper'), with Diana's company, Angela's small sister, who let them her van. Their relationship has been cold since their childhood, when tragic events divide them inevitably. Together cover the town and the old salt mines. Ignoring warnings, they open a door to the afterlife, with unpredictable consequences. "In XP3D we will take the audience to horrific places, we will put them physically there and we won't let them escape. We will follow the main characters into long and sinister basements where 3D will transport them to their worst nightmares" (Sergi Vizcaíno)
心理学专业学生安吉拉(Amaia Salamanca 饰)分外担心她的期末学分,在教授的建议下,这个一向不相信超自然的女孩决定去探访一座早已废弃的矿区小镇Susurro,那里曾经有一个嗜血如命的马特加医生,传说他的恶灵至今还在小镇上游荡,残害偶然闯入的人们。为了证明马特加医生的传说子虚乌有,也为了顺利通过考试,安吉拉和她具有较强第六感的妹妹戴安娜(Alba Ribas 饰)以及同学乔西(Maxi Iglesias 饰)、托尼(Óscar Sinela 饰)、贝兰(Úrsula Corberó 饰)、卡罗斯(Lucho Fernández 饰)驱车前往那个荒凉阴森的边远小镇。   借助精密仪器和戴安娜的配合,他们似乎真的将马特加医生唤回了人间,而死神也一步步向他们靠近……


TwoCat • 说实话~无深意~

结局其实就是留给观众的悬念,你可以自由发挥你的感觉给这个片子一个完美的结局。 结局 1是妹妹因为回忆

cRow.贰 • ...剧情实在无深意
