战争的恐怖Horrors of War(2006)


主演:Jon Osbeck Joe Lorenzo Daniel Alan Kiely 

导演:Peter John Ross / John Whitney / 


Plot Summary:HORRORS OF WAR derives from the "B" movie, Grindhouse tradition, made to play like a like a midnight movie. It is an independently-produced film made in a B-movie style, yet with a dramatic grounding and an eye toward bigger production values.......FILM SYNOPSIS: 'Feeling the pressure from Allied advance, Hitler unleashes his secret weapons giving rise to a type of warfare the world has never seen. Throughout the European theater of WWII, Lieutenant John Schmidt comes face to face with these "weapons." The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S., precursor to the C.I.A.) initiates missions behind enemy lines to find the source of the weapons terrorizing U.S. soldiers fighting the Third Reich. Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and his group of war-hardened GIs who have experienced for themselves the all-too-real horrors of war in battle. Together, they must find and destroy Hitler's horde of nightmare weapons before his horrific vision can be fully realized.'


Doris • 垃圾

不一定战争片需要大制作 但最起码需要一个认真的态度 一个认真对待电影的态度 还有一个认真对待历史的态

80newwave4ever • !!!这部片其实很好!!!!!!!!!!!!!

除了最后狼人与变异人搏斗时的音乐让我大失所望外,该片几近完美。 轻松,幽默,不做作,小制作,B级片典

Howie • 简直不知所谓。

思想空洞 废话多 人物表情僵硬 可以和《倒数毁灭》并称绝代双烂了。 最近人品不好 基本天天都看一部烂

叶洲 • 垃圾

打着2006最新火爆战争动作大片和二战题材的牌子,发现居然是个惊悚片…… 1944年德国节节败退

午夜梦回 • 极烂——烂到溃烂!!

非常烂,十分烂,极烂 毫无意义 在各方面均潜尝辄止,毫无深度可言,根本没

sakula • 令人琢磨不透的希特勒

战争已经是非常残酷,但是出现了生化兵,倒真是增添了一份恐怖色彩。 影片场面很一般,情节也一般。 但是